varied ponderings
Three weeks since I’ve been to the gym. Without exercise I’ve begun to feel quite a bit of pain again — so much so that it alarmed the massage therapist this week. So if for no other reason than just not aching, I need to set the needle back in the groove. Tomorrow is a new month. It occurs to me to challenge myself to go every day in the month, but I wonder if that's not such a large goal that I’m setting myself up for failure. More reasonable to challenge myself to exercise every day this week, be it outside, yoga, or the gym. Then I can string the weeks together to make a month.
One morning last week as Mister Husband and I were walking to the El, an old man leaning on a cane stood in the middle of the square and started yelling to us. “Your hair, it’s so pretty! You’re the best thing I’ve seen all day!” It was oddly sweet. Hey, the day you stop looking is the day you die.
After we finished teaching today, we took off across town. Ended up in an unfamiliar neighborhood in a familar section, and then in a new-to-us park. We spent about an hour tromping around and taking photographs, and my ankle went uphill and downhill and all over uneven grass and felt mostly fine. It was grey, a little drizzly and brisk. Perfect. We had a great time.
One morning last week as Mister Husband and I were walking to the El, an old man leaning on a cane stood in the middle of the square and started yelling to us. “Your hair, it’s so pretty! You’re the best thing I’ve seen all day!” It was oddly sweet. Hey, the day you stop looking is the day you die.
After we finished teaching today, we took off across town. Ended up in an unfamiliar neighborhood in a familar section, and then in a new-to-us park. We spent about an hour tromping around and taking photographs, and my ankle went uphill and downhill and all over uneven grass and felt mostly fine. It was grey, a little drizzly and brisk. Perfect. We had a great time.
I'd schedule the workouts, like an appointment. And I'd plan on 4 days, until you feel like going more. Going all 7 is a really lofty goal! I only say this as even when motivated, it was hard to go that often. If you start at a lower number and make it a habit, you can start adding in more days. Just my two cents!
But if it makes more sense to go every day, then make it so. Only you know what will be effective! But you also don't want to punish yourself when you don't meet your (high, like mine) standards. :)
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