Sunday, January 20, 2008

Istara Chistou

Or, cheese experiment #1.

Googling informs us that this is a French Basque cheese. The Cheese Lady says:
Known for cheeses made with milk of sheep, Chistou is created using an interesting twist; it is a blend of 50% cow and 50% sheep, both pasteurized and BGH-free. The two milks combine for an exceptional taste. The semi-soft / semi-firm,
supple body is encased with a natural rind, typical of Basque cheeses. The flavor is tender with fruity nuances, smooth and pleasing, and will delight both novice and connoisseurs alike.

My novice palate didn’t pick up the ‘fruity nuances,’ but it was indeed semi-soft, smooth, and pleasing. Mildly tangy, but easily accessible for those who are suspicious of stinky cheeses. We’d both eat it again.


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