Monday, October 22, 2007

why I love teaching on an Ag campus

I've been grading client memos all day. One of my Dairy majors is proposing a study on new mattresses for her family's cows. After describing their third-generation farm and operations, she wrote
I feel I need to do this proposal because one of my own cows is lame at the present time and I think that if we get new mattresses in the stalls that she might get better, and not be in so much pain. It will also assist the other lame cows we have in the barn as well.

This breaks my heart, language issues aside. She's a very fresh-faced redheaded girl who looks young for her age. Skinny and in love with cows. I love having kids around who really care about something.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awww... Poor lame cows.

1:33 PM  

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