Tuesday, February 21, 2006

the slow slide

Thinking about how my eating habits have changed over the past 15 years.

15-18 Toyed with ovo-lacto vegetarianism, and was reasonably devoted. Then fell in love with another ovo-lacto who was flirting with veganism, and so I was strict for quite awhile. In spite of the restrictions, I did not make good choices — I remember a lot of lunches that consisted of the largest size of Arby’s curly fries, a lot of dinners of veggie egg rolls. I was sick frequently, and had pneumonia at least once during those years. I hit my all-time low adult weight my first semester of college - around 160 pounds. For me, 160 is a flat stomach and tight ass.

18 - 21 The same, but with chicken. Started eating the chicken to spite the vegetarian after we broke-up-but-stayed-friends. Then decided that I never felt sorry for chickens anyway. Back up to my high school weight, which was around 175.

22 - 24 Cleaned up my act. Lots of whole grains, lots of organic veggies, fruit, and dairy. Occasional chicken, cold-water fish on Sundays. Three liters of water each day. Isometrics and lots of stretching six days a week, and massage at least once a month. I looked great. Lots of compliments. I was about ten pounds above my high school weight.

24 - 25 Dated a guy who worked out like a manic and could use half a bottle of olive oil in one dish. My best friend was a 300-pound woman. I ate a lot with both of them, and one or the other of them turned me on to red meat again. And desserts. I quit working out, and my massage therapist moved away. Somewhere in these two years, I topped 200.

26 - 27 Quit job to begin grad school and decided that I couldn’t afford to do the organic thing any more. Met the eventual love of my life and started doing the sitting-around-and-eating-falling-in-love thing. We ate all sorts of things that were terrible for us because whenever we were together we felt like celebrating. Kept going for occasional walks, then less, then even less. Then started writing thesis and quit moving all together.

28 - 29 Finished the thesis, graduated. Moved to the snowy north, and figured that new life = new habits. Began walking again and eating better until I broke my ankle during the first winter. It’s a slow-healing injury, but I watched my weight during my three months of immobility, and lost about 13 pounds. Then we decided to get married in the summer and I freaked out and started eating. Kept eating all through the fall, right through to January. When I finished, I was still about 10 pounds below my thesis weight, so not all was lost.


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